American Business Group Milan
Speaker for May 2013 Lunch
Francesca Mastrogiacomi
Francesca Mastrogiacomi, Senior Project Manager, EMEA Sales Support - Strategy & Operations at Google, will speak on Life in the Plex.
Francesca first started making friends with search engines when she joined the launch of an E-commerce start-up specializing in food and wine from her native Marches region. Putting her study of languages to the unorthodox usage of identifying keywords for user searches, she soon attracted the attention of Google Italy which recruited Francesca to share her online marketing and analysis skills to help other businesses build successful web-based advertising campaigns.
Francesca has held various roles in Google's Sales and Country Operations, currently specializing in improving the customer experience for both those searching as well as those looking to be found.
Recently qualified as a Certified Business Coach, Francesca uses this expertise both in her role inside Google as well as with private clients, focusing on team coaching, women's leadership, and support for both expats and start-ups.
After completing her undergraduate studies at Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Francesca earned a PhD in Applied Linguistics and Communications from Università Cattolica in Milan. She has several publications on adult education and new methodologies in teaching foreign languages. In addition to her mother tongue, Italian, Francesca is fluent in English, French and Spanish.
Francesca's contact details:
- Websites:,
- Email: fra (add missing character!)
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