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Look Before You Leap – Due Diligence Secrets of an Experienced Investigator

American Business Group

Milan, 16 October 2009

Larry Gurwin, Consultant

Euro Investigation Srl


1. Look at the subject of the investigation (the individual or the entity) in context.

Don't ignore other individuals and entities that are related to your subject.

2. The person who does the investigation should be as independent as possible.

3. Avoid stereotyping and clichéd thinking.

Examples include:

4. Start by using free (and very cheap) information sources.

5. Be aware of the limitations of checklists.

Checklists can be helpful in organizing your work, but they can also lead to tunnel vision: causing you to ignore things that are not on the checklist.

6. Be aware of the limitations of online research.

7. Make a chronology

8. Human sources may be indispensable

9. It's impossible to give anyone a "clean bill of health"

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